WALLESS’ lawyers work with FIDIC, YSE, NEC and other model agreements, which we adapt to legal regulations of the Baltic states. Our strong emphasis on R&D helps us stay up-to-date with the ever-changing legal requirements within the construction industry. Moreover, our team will work closely with clients to ensure the proper drafting and negotiation of the best construction conditions in full compliance with the most up-to-date health and safety regulations.
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Key contacts
Team members
Andis Ozoliņš
Angela Kase
Emīls Klāvs Liepiņš
Indrė Jocytė
Justina Dirmantaitė
Kaidi Tarros
Kent Märjamaa
Kerstin Linnart-Herm
Kevin Kõo
Kārlis Mūrnieks
Laura Tumiņa
Margo Lemetti
Margus Kõiva
Mariliis Timmermann
Martynas Zdanavičius
Raminta Vilčinskaitė
Risto Sidok
Sandis Bērtaitis
Simona Miliauskaitė-Gintutė
Tanel Kask
Tomas Balčiūnas
Vitalij Burinskij
Vygintas Kuprys
Vytautas Samavičius
Zane Kārkliņa