Justina Dirmantaitė

Senior Associate
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    Justina has almost 10 years of experience in Construction Law and Territorial planning. She has represented the State in difficult cases and dispute settlement negotiations, so her experience helps to find solutions related to territorial planning and construction legal regulations in various situations. Justina has a high level of attention and thoroughness, as well as excellent communication skills which ensures the best quality services provided to the client.


    • Walless Super Power

      High level of attention to details

    • Practice areas
    • Languages
      • Lithuanian, English
    • Career
      • State Territorial Planning and Construction Inspectorate, Department of Law, Vilnius, Advisor (2019-2022)
      • State Territorial Planning and Construction Inspectorate, Vilnius, Chief specialist (2014-2019),
    • Education
      • Master of Laws, Mykolas Romeris University, 2015

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