Banking and Finance
WALLESS has an outstanding team of professionals with extensive knowledge in commercial lending, refinancing as well as loan portfolio transfers and securitisations. Our team can offer assistance in complex and multi-jurisdictional projects, effectively handle and coordinate all financing documents as well as structure and put in place a local security package. We represent banks and borrowers in a wide range of projects such as industrial plant development, renewable energy projects, commercial real estate development, aircraft acquisition and lease, transport and infrastructure projects, including PPP and others. Whatever deal we are handling, WALLESS lawyers have the depth of experience to find the most commercially beneficial way to structure a deal and assist with its seamless documentation and closing.
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Key contacts
Team members
Akvilė Marozaitė
Baiba Krieviņa-Sutora
Dr.iur. Aivars Lošmanis
Elvina Venckevičiūtė
Elīna Dindendorfa
Greta Krištapavičiūtė
Ignė Kazanavičiūtė
Iveta Balčiūtė
Justinas Gasys
Kaisa Saarmann
Laurynas Narvydas
Merit Lind-Tsoganoff
Minni-Triin Park
Robertas Kvetkauskas
Samanta Blėdienė
Simona Vosylienė
Ugnė Grigaitytė
Viktorija Dusajeva