Valters Diure

Associate Partner | Attorney at law
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    Valters Diure began his career in the banking industry and has acquired almost 3 decades of experience in the banking and finance field. Valters specializes in banking and finance, insolvency, aviation, and commercial law issues. He has assisted in the sale of banking portfolio transactions, consulted credit institutions on regulatory requirements, and drafted investment contracts and research papers on financial instruments’ market issues. Valters regularly advise international financial institutions about cross-border structured finance transactions and project finance transactions, including aircraft financing and lease transactions.

    • Walless Super Power

      Experience-based approach finding the simplest solutions to complex issues

    • Practice areas
    • Languages
      • Latvian, English, Russian
    • Career
      • Law firm Ellex, Associate Partner (2018-2023)
      • Law firm Ellex, Senior Associate (2007 – 2018)
      • Nasdaq OMX, Legal Consultant (2013)
      • AS Parex Banka, Head of Back Office (1996- 2007)
    • Education
      • Master of Law, Turība University, 2009
      • Master of Economics, University of Latvia, 2000

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