WALLESS Represented Quaero European Infrastructure Fund in Acquiring 21.5 MW Wind Farm Vėjų Spektras

2019 06 07

WALLESS advised Quaero European Infrastructure Fund in acquiring 21.5 MW wind farm Vėjų Spektras. The acquisition was completed at the end of May 2019.

WALLESS team was responsible for all the legal aspects of the transaction, including advising on initial offers, conducting legal due diligence and SPA negotiations, obtaining regulatory approvals as well as closing the transaction. The process was conducted by Associates Domas Šileika, Gabrielė Adomavičiūtė and other WALLESS experts, led by the Partner Gediminas Dominas.

Launched in 2012, the wind farm in Šilutė has an installed capacity of 21.5 MW, consists of 10 wind turbines, built and maintained by Enercon. Vėjų Spektras UAB, a company that owns wind farm in Šilutė region in the Western part of Lithuania, has been acquired by Quaero European Infrastructure Fund managed by Quaero Capital.

Quaero Capital is an independent asset management company with headquarters in Geneva and offices in Paris, Zurich, Luxembourg and London. Quaero Capital operates with the agreement from the French Monetary Authority (AMF), the Swiss FINMA and the UK Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).

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