WALLESS Assisted Elecnor on Signing a Contract with Railway Company Lietuvos Geležinkeliai

2020 01 08

With the assistance of WALLESS the consortium of Spanish companies Elecnor and Abengoa signed 363 million euros worth contract with Lithuania’s state-owned railway company Lietuvos Geležinkeliai for electrification of the Vilnius railway hub and the Kaišiadorys-Klaipeda railway. The project will create economic value of around 500 million euros and will also contribute to reduction of pollution.

WALLESS team including partner Laura Ziferman and associate Gabrielė Adomavičiūtė assisted Elecnor from the very beginning of public procurement procedures until the signing of the contract. They have also led very intense negotiations over the draft of contract based on FIDIC Yellow Book terms.

Read more about it here.

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