WALLESS Acting as the Buy-side Legal Advisor Assisted Lumi Capital in Acquisition of Indi Business Center in Riga

2022 04 27

WALLESS Acting as the Buy-side Legal Advisor Assisted Lumi Capital in the Acquisition of Indi Business Center in Riga.

Indi Business Center in Riga – a modern multi-tenant office building in the Ganibu Dambis commercial area towards the north of the city center and near the Skanste’s office district. The building has 12 000 square meters of net leasable area with further development volume. The 4-floor building was reconstructed from the historical Riga Electric Machine Building Plant industrial building in several stages from 2008 to 2022.

WALLESS team advising this transaction was led by Managing Partner (Latvia) Kristīne Gaigule -Šāvēja, and comprised team members – Lead of Tax Practice (Latvia) Ingūna Ābele, Associate Partner Andis Ozoliņš, Senior Associates – Baiba Krieviņa-Sutora and Tatjana Sinkeviča and Associate Ieva Gaile.

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Informuojame, kad nuo 2025 m. sausio 1 d. buvo pakeistas Bendrųjų sutarties sąlygų 7.6 punktas:
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