WALLESS Represented the Alwark Group in a Transaction With the KJK Fund

2021 04 08

WALLESS managing partner of Lithuania Dovilė Burgienė and senior associate Domas Šileika represented the founders of Alwark Group in a transaction with the KJK Fund. 

The Parties signed a transaction for sale of 66 percent of the Alwark Group shares to the KJK Fund. Transaction closing is pending approval of competition authorities.

Alwark Group provides services of sales, rental, and maintenance of new and used material handling, warehouse, seaport, airport equipment, municipal machinery, and supplying the spare parts.

KJK focuses on industrial and agribusiness companies with turnovers of EUR 30 – 75 million and EUR 20 – 50 million enterprise value. 

KJK’s investment in Alwark aims at supporting the future growth of the company in the Baltic States as well as in the neighboring regions.


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