WALLESS Recognized as Band 1 Firm in FinTech Legal by Chambers and Partners

2020 01 16

WALLESS is pleased to be ranked in the Band 1 in FinTech Legal in Lithuania by a prestigious legal directory Chambers and Partners. Chambers conducts thousands of interviews with the firm’s clients and other lawyers with whom they work, identifying the best law firms globally, whether they are multi-national or boutique.

As determined by the research conducted, WALLESS is the leading firm in technical legal ability, professional conduct, client service, commercial astuteness, diligence, commitment, and other qualities most valued by the client. 

One of the strengths identified from the interviews was: “WALLESS really tried to listen to our needs and understand what is urgent so they could be responsive. They were keen to understand the technical side of our work as well, which is a little rarer for lawyers to want to do.”

Such important acknowledgements motivate WALLESS to achieve and grow with even more confidence!

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