WALLESS Associate Partner Karl-Erich Trisberg Has Been Promoted to Equity Partner

2021 01 08

We are happy to announce that from 1 January 2021, our colleague Karl-Erich Trisberg has been promoted to equity partner at WALLESS law firm. Karl-Erich is specialized in mergers and acquisitions (M&A), business and contract law, and compliance. Karl-Erich is an attorney at law with extensive work experience who has advised on many of the most important transactions in recent years.

“WALLESS is a modern law firm, whose operating model is distinctive in the market and attractive to the new generation of lawyers. All our people are committed to excellence with the persistent drive for innovation. This is also one of the main reasons why the best experts join our firm. Not less important is that all of us help each other to reach our full potential. As a partner of our firm, I think that this is also an important message for young colleagues who are looking for a job at a law firm. I can confirm that there are no other law firms in Estonia that are committed to practice these principles – WALLESS is really “WALL-LESS” and without glass ceilings,” is Karl-Erich convinced.

“Advancement in our firm depends on performance, ability, and contribution to our common success, which is evidenced by Karl-Erich’s promotion to equity partnership. What is more, Karl-Erich’s personal qualities make him an irreplaceable team player and a colleague who is always there for others,” said Piret Blankin, the firm’s managing partner.

Karl-Erich is one of the few attorneys at law in Estonia who, in addition to long-term work experience, also has international work experience and a master’s degree in law and business administration from a top German university. Clients appreciate his great commitment, pragmatic approach, and clever solutions. Until 31 December 2020, Karl-Erich was an associate partner at WALLESS law firm.

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