Partner of WALLESS Participated as Latvian Public Procurement Expert in the Project Promoting Social Considerations into Public Procurement Procedures for Social Economy Enterprises

Within the framework of the European project Buying for Social Impact (BSI), WALLESS analysed the implementation of the social considerations specified in Directive 2014/24/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on public procurement and repealing Directive 2004/18/EC into Latvian legislation and their application in practice. At project closure, we took an active part in organizing and conducting the conference Socially Responsible Public Procurement as a Driving Force for the Development of the Social Economy in Latvia. Further information can be found at;
The project Promoting Social Considerations into Public Procurement Procedures for Social Economy Enterprises covers 15 EU Member States and is implemented by a consortium formed by five organisations from EU Member States, Social Economy Europe (SEE), AEIDL (European Association for Information on Local Development), REVES (European Network of Cities and Regions for the Social Economy), ENSIE (European Network of Social Integration Enterprises) and DIESIS Coop. The aim of the project is to boost the capacity of social entrepreneurship and to encourage participation of such enterprises in public procurement.
In Latvia, the project was implemented by Social Economy Europe in collaboration with two experts from Latvia, Agnese Frīdenberga (social entrepreneurship expert) and Kristīne Gaigule-Šāvēja, Managing Partner of WALLESS Latvia (public procurement expert).

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