Raimondas Andrijauskas
+370 697 62075 -
raimondas.andrijauskas@walless.com -
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Raimondas has over 10 years of experience in legal compliance, for the last 5 years practicing in the field of implementation of privacy and personal data protection requirements. During his work as the director of the State Data Protection Inspectorate and a former member of the European Data Protection Board, Raimondas has accumulated expert knowledge that helps solve the most complex issues of using innovative IT technologies for the processing of personal data. His special skill is attention to detail without losing sight of the bigger picture, which brings confidence to the clients in decision-making through periods of change and development. His ability to understand complex processes and forward-thinking approach are qualities that can be relied upon by organizations assessing and managing risks in the regulatory environment. He finds out the customer’s needs and offers individually tailored solutions.
Walless Super Power
Ability to make complex issues simple
Practice areas
- Lithuanian, English, Russian, Polish, German
- State Data Protection Inspectorate, Vilnius, Director (2018-2023)
- State Food and Veterinary Service, Vilnius, Head of Legal Department (2014-2018)
- State Food and Veterinary Service, Vilnius, Chief Specialist (2012-2014)
- PhD Student, Mykolas Romeris University, from 2020
- Master of Business Law, Mykolas Romeris University, 2011
- Bachelor of Law, Mykolas Romeris University, 2009
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