WALLESS Advised Eastnine on the Acquisition of an Office Property in Central Vilnius for €20m

2020 09 30

WALLESS advised Eastnine on the acquisition of an office property in central Vilnius for €20m. The property belongs to the city’s core property segment and is directly adjacent to Eastnine’s other property, Vertas.

The acquisition, comprised of 7,200 sq meters of commercial area and 66 parking spaces, is located in Vilnius Vartai property, which otherwise consists of housing. The purchase price corresponds to a yield of ~ 6.0 percent fully let.

WALLESS advised the client on all aspects of the transaction (structuring, financing, negotiation and signing of the acquisition package, tax and others).

Real Estate M&A partner Indrė Jonaitytė-Gricė was in charge of the WALLESS team, supported by the partners Mindaugas Lukas and Evaldas Klimas, the associate partner Alina Makovska, the senior associates Mantas Lideika and Alma Marcinkute and the junior associate Domantas Vilys.

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