WALLESS Managing Partner Piret Kergandberg and Associate Siim Vahtrus Advised Lääne-Nigula Municipality on Rejecting of Planning of a New €150m Wind Farm

2021 01 25

Managing partner of WALLESS Estonia – Piret Kergandberg – and associate Siim Vahtrus advised Lääne-Nigula municipality in drafting of documents according to which, on Thursday 21 January 2021, the municipality decided to terminate the preparation of a special plan and its strategic environmental assessment for a new wind farm planned by Enefit Green (a subsidiary of Eesti Energia).

Eesti Energia has bought about 240 hectares of land in the area between Risti-Piirsalu and Seljaküla, where it would have liked to host up to 30 wind turbines, up to 290 meters high. The amount of the planned investment was about 150 million euro.

The residents of the municipality collected more than 1000 signatures against the wind farm. Taking into consideration different circumstances clarified during the proceedings as well as the interests of the community and municipality, Lääne-Nigula municipal council considered that further proceedings for preparation of the plan were neither reasonable nor possible.

Enefit Green intends to challenge the termination of the preparation of the special plan either by appealing with the municipality or in court.

Read more here.