WALLESS attorneys ranked by the IFLR 1000

2019 01 11

Ahead of its January 2019 official launch, WALLESS was listed in a prestigious IFLR 1000 directory, amongst the world’s leading financial law firms.

The IFLR 1000 is one of the world’s most influential legal directories. Both law firms and individual professionals who are working in areas from corporate finance to banking law seek to be featured here in order to be noticed globally. The rankings are based on the recommendations of in-house counsel at the most noticeable and well regarded financial institutions and companies from around the globe, along with the leading lawyers and attorneys in each legal market covered by the International Finance Law Review.

Earlier, WALLESS partner Joana Baublytė-Kulvietė, a specialist in Banking and Capital Markets was named a market leader by the IFLR 1000, as was Dovilė Burgienė, who specialises in Mergers & Acquisitions. Partner Gediminas Rečiūnas, an expert in the areas of Banking, Capital Markets, Financial Services Regulatory, Restructuring and Insolvency was also ranked here.

Such an immediate appearance in the IFLR 1000 ranking is proof that the WALLESS team is on the right path towards reshaping the Baltic region’s legal market.

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