WALLESS served as an advisor in a deal between Orion Asset Management and the UPA Medical Spa in Druskininkai, Lithuania

As of the finalization of this transaction, the approximately 7K sq.m. rehabilitation center has been acquired by the asset management company, becoming its first investment.

In addition to acquiring the building, the fund will continue to invest in new medical business lines. The sale & leaseback model of the transaction will allow the seller to retain operation of the premises by paying rent, while the investments flow to the development of new procedures.

“We have invested in this rehabilitation center because we have confidence in both the experienced operator, whose name is well-known and respected, and in the future prospects of the wellness sector, despite the fact that recent years have been challenging,” said Olivija Kozak, the manager of the project.

The WALLESS team advising the client consisted of partner Povilas Žukauskas, senior associates Mantas Lideika, Liucija Bitinaitė, and Alma Marcinkutė, and junior associate Ieva Pikaitė.

Alates 1. aprillist 2025 uuendatakse meie üldtingimusi. Lisateave.
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