WALLESS advised Taiwania Capital on investing in Oxipit

The relationship between Lithuania and Taiwan just entered a new era, with one of the four Asian Tigers signing three investment deals with Lithuanian tech companies in one week. WALLESS partner Andrius Ivanauskas and senior associate Domas Šileika advised on one of them, which resulted in Taiwan fund manager Taiwania Capital announcing a 3,5 mln. Eur Series A investment into Oxipit, an AI-driven medical diagnostics startup.

This is Taiwania Capital’s second investment in Lithuania. At the end of 2022, the fund manager announced another 3.5 million Eur capital deal with Litilit, a Lithuanian ultrashort pulse laser manufacturer.

Two other Lithuanian companies that have secured capital injections from Taiwan are solar power module producer SoliTek, which announced 8 mln. Eur credit from Taiwan’s Eximbank and IoT company Teltonika, which signed a 14 mln. Eur deal with Taiwan’s Industrial Technology Research Institute to share semiconductor chip technology.

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