WALLESS advised Harju KEK in integrating Keila Tööstuspark’s district heating network to the network area of Utilitas Eesti in Keila

Kaisa Üksik, Head of Estonian Competition Law Practice Group at WALLESS, and Managing Partner Piret Kergandberg, advised AS Harju KEK on the divestment of its subsidiary’s AS Entek district heating network in Keila Tööstuspark to AS Utilitas Eesti. As a result of this transaction, completed on May 31st, Keila Tööstuspark’s district heating network will be integrated with the city of Keila’s district heating network managed by AS Utilitas Eesti. The physical connection of the networks is planned before the start of the autumn heating season. The Estonian Competition Authority cleared the transaction.

WALLESS provided advice on the negotiations, completion of the transaction, and regulatory and competition law aspects.

Read further (in Estonian) here: https://rb.gy/9an2mv

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