WALLESS Ranked Second in the Annual Ranking of the Most Successful Law Firms in Estonia

2021 11 29

The Estonian business weekly Äripäev published its annual ranking in which Estonian law firms are ranked based on the financial results of the previous year. WALLESS took second place.

Speaking about the most important events of the previous year, managing partner of WALLESS Estonia Piret Kergandberg emphasized closer cooperation in the Baltics: “The transformation of our brand into WALLESS last year gives a strong signal to all our existing and future clients that we offer equally high-quality service in Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. We operate as a single team across all three countries: we have integrated work processes, we share knowledge and experience.”

WALLESS aims to grow significantly faster than the market and gain market share without sacrificing its other strengths.

“We consciously maintain wellbeing in the workplace, we value everyone’s initiative and development and include lawyers of different generations in our team. Investments in people and in the work environment have paid off: personal attention and the office environment are highly valued by both our colleagues and clients,” Kergandberg explained.

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