Impact of EU law on the admissibility of evidence in Estonian criminal proceedings

2024 04 19

Young colleagues inspire us by good example! Mileen Arbma, a lawyer in the WALLESS dispute resolution practice group, has studied the impact of EU law on the admissibility of evidence in Estonian criminal proceedings in depth during her university studies. Today, Mileen led an in-depth discussion on this topic in the University of Tartu Faculty of Law’s webinar. An article based on Mileen’s master thesis has also been published in the University of Tartu Faculty of Law’s journal Juridica.

The topic is important, because a criminal judge, who is responsible for the final decision, is always faced with the challenge of reaching an internal conviction on the question of whether a crime has been proven. Evidence is therefore one of the most important elements in determining the verdict. In this context, there is an important procedural requirement for evidence – the admissibility of evidence – which determines whether evidence may be used in a criminal case. While traditionally it has been up to the Member States to decide on the criteria for the admissibility of evidence in courts, questions have become increasingly topical as to whether and to what extent the rules of evidence are affected by EU law.

Learn more (in Estonian) from Juridica

Keep up the good work, Mileen!

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