Gediminas Dominas and Vaidotas Puklevičius join WALLESS

2019 03 07

On April 1st, law firm Dominas LEVIN led by partners Gediminas Dominas and Vaidotas Puklevičius, together with another five team members, will join WALLESS.

With this move, WALLESS will significantly strengthen its dispute resolution group, which will be developed by Gediminas Dominas. 

G. Dominas is globally acclaimed by the world’s legal ratings – Chambers Global and IFLR1000 – as one of the leading experts in the fields of arbitration, commercial and finance law. The Legal 500 included the managing partner of Dominas LEVIN to the Hall of Fame in the dispute resolution area. G. Dominas is a member of the ICC Commission on Arbitration and ADR. 

Vaidotas Puklevičius will become a partner at the competition and regulatory team. He will be responsible for the development of general commercial and renewable energy law practice. His vast experience includes working with some of the biggest Lithuanian and international companies in the areas of commercial law, energy law, as well as corporate law.

With the new extension to the team, WALLESS will grow to 35 lawyers, 10 of whom are partners. 

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