WALLESS assisted InMedica with the implementation

InMedica, the largest private healthcare service provider in Lithuania, agreed to acquire Vilniaus implantologijos centro klinika (VIC) to expand its network in offering the highest level of dental care. The acquisition will pave way for the consolidation of private medical care, which will most certainly increase ease of access and quality of services.

As a fact, Vilniaus implantologijos centro klinika (VIC) is a leading dentistry provider not only in Lithuania – but it is also widely known abroad. Clinic’s team of professionals for more than 20 years has earned the patient’s trust by applying innovative treatment and ensuring the highest quality of services. The clinic’s founder Dr. Algirdas Puišys is considered one of implantology’s pioneers in Lithuania, and a well-known practitioner, scientist, and trainer in this field. This kind of collaboration will help develop the highest quality of services and will open more opportunities to provide modern treatment.

WALLESS team members Dovilė Burgienė, Akvilė Mackay, Šarūnas Basijokas assisted with the implementation, and advised clinics about this intricate transaction, involving complex legal arrangements to achieve the best possible result for both the buy-side and the sell-side.

WALLESS is proud to be part of such healthcare-related deals and indirectly be a part of and support such growth.

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