Mundus Bridge Finance tops into Lithuania’s booming leasing market, offering game-changing financing solutions through its investment in Orion Leasing
Mundus Bridge Finance has agreed to invest EUR 7 million in Orion Leasing by acquiring its bonds. This significant transaction represents a milestone for both parties, setting the stage for continued growth and success.
The investment received by Orion Leasing, a highly respected leasing services company, will contribute to further diversifying its capital structure and ensuring sustained business growth. Simultaneously, Mundus Bridge Finance, a fund managed by Invalda INVL, one of the largest asset management groups in the Baltic region, effectively diversifies its investment portfolio. This diversification holds great significance for companies operating in the dynamic financing sector.
WALLESS is delighted to have played a role in this success by providing legal advice. Our team of professionals, including Partners Gediminas Rečiūnas and Laurynas Narvydas, Associate Partner Enrika Tamašauskaitė, and Expert Vytenis Čepė, offered guidance throughout the process.
Deal team
Gediminas Rečiūnas
Partner | Attorney at Law -
Laurynas Narvydas
Partner -
Vytenis Čepė
Associate Partner