Women in company boards in Lithuania: how to reach gender balance

2023 02 10
Do we have a problem with female representation on company boards? With a 5% increase for women on S&P 500 company boards in 2022, women ended the year at a record 32% of seats in the 500 large companies listed on the USA stock exchanges. Research by the media portal IQ shows that out of 200 board members in the 50 largest companies in Lithuania, 20% are women.
Dovilė Burgienė, Managing Partner at WALLESS, a co-founder of the women’s leadership association „Lyderė“, and Kotryna Stankutė-Jaščemskienė, Director at MJJ fondas, participated in an IQ Business discussion on gender balance targets in company boards.
1. What are the biggest obstacles for women to access top leadership positions in business?
2. What structural changes are needed to achieve gender balance?
3. Do state-controlled companies show a good example of women on boards?
4. How do our social norms reflect women‘s ability to move up the career ladder?
5. Would gender quotes on company boards do the magic trick to achieve inclusion and diversity?
Listen to the entrancing discussion here: http://bit.ly/3YHw1yO
#womenonboards #diversity #inclusion #womenleadereship

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