WALLESS partner Joana Baublytė-Kulvietė shared insights on interpreting and applying risk management requirements in EMI/PI

2023 05 10

While AML remains a hot topic, let’s shift our focus to internal control and risk management in the fintech industry – an area gaining increased attention and concern. WALLESS partner Joana Baublytė-Kulvietė shares insights on interpreting and applying risk management requirements in EMI/PI at ROCKIT event “Managing Risk in EMI/PI. Expectations vs. Practical Implementation”. Her key takeaway – don’t wait for explicit regulations; take action.Here’s what you can do:

• find experienced personnel to navigate this complex landscape

• seek external advice from experts to ensure compliance and best practices

• look to regulator guidance for direction

Special thanks to Audrius Radisauskas, Denas Gadeikis, Gintautas Mežetis, Sigita Zavišienė, Vitalija Liktorė, Lietuvos bankas, Internal Auditors Association, Reporta.tech, and others for organizing this event and raising awareness about the broader scope of risk management. Let’s shape the future of the fintech industry by driving mastery in internal control and risk management.

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