WALLESS Participated in the WindMission Lithuania 2022 Conference

2022 01 21

Yesterday marked the first day of WINDmission Lithuania 2022—the largest renewable energy conference in the Baltics. The event brings together all parties involved in the country’s wind sector growth, from senior decision-makers to service providers. 


After the first day of the conference, WALLESS Partner Vaidotas Puklevičius shared his conclusion:


“As we all are aware, our future low-carbon economy will require huge volumes of green energy. Currently, offshore wind looks like the best option for producing the volumes we need. Following the strategy prepared by the European Commission, Europe’s offshore wind capacity should increase from its current level of 12 GW to at least 60 GW by 2030 and to 300 GW by 2050. This ambitious growth will not only reduce our dependency on fossil fuels, but it will create new opportunities for a variety of different industries, simultaneously creating new jobs. According to preliminary estimates, our first offshore wind park may cover approximately 25 percent of our total power demand. Hence, the conclusion of our panel discussion: if we want to launch our first offshore wind park and proceed in accordance with the timetable, we need the draft legislation to be approved as early as possible. When the rules of the game are made clear, all anticipated participants of the project: governmental authorities, potential developers, seaport stakeholders, creditors, turbine, cable suppliers, and any other contractors may finetune their plans and be ready to step in.”

More information on the conference: http://ow.ly/n8wH50HzAhq

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