WALLESS organized energy event “Process of establishing wind farms”

2023 06 20

To present the process of establishing wind farms in Latvia and the new regulations in this field WALLESS and the international consulting firm “Estonian, Latvian & Lithuanian Environment (ELLE)” organized an energy event “Process of establishing wind farms”.

On a warm Thursday afternoon, the roof terrace of Place Eleven was filled with exciting discussions about how to prepare for the process of building wind farms, what is the renewed regulation of environmental impact, what documentation should be developed if there is an intention to build a wind farm and how to connect, test, put into operation and start production in the wind park.

At the end of the event, there was an opportunity to receive answers to questions of interest, including the four main challenges currently faced by wind farm developers. Among them are environmental impact assessment, ensuring network capacity, coordination of local plans and detailed plans with municipalities, and fulfillment of design and construction conditions.

Estonian, Latvian & Lithuanian Environment (ELLE)” partner Oskars Beikulis spoke at the event, sharing his experience and recommendations in the process of creating wind farms, as well as WALLESS Associate Partner Konstantīns Teļakovs and Managing Partner Kristine Gaigule-Saveja.

To familiarize yourself with the process of building a wind farm in Latvia, read here: https://bit.ly/43LJvw5

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