WALLESS: navigating the 2024 M&A domain will demand high expertise and clever solutions

2024 02 08

WALLESS partners, Karl-Erich Trisberg, Rolan Jankelevitsh, Andrius Ivanauskas and Zane Eglīte-Fogele, attorneys specialised in mergers and acquisitions, analysed the past year, and shared their view on 2024.

While 2023 can be characterised by a widening gap between buyers’ and sellers’ price expectations, this year can be marked by stricter competition rules and an increasingly complex regulatory environment.

In Estonia, the number of transactions can be expected to increase this year, but the current level of returns will probably still be unattainable on average. The expected slight fall in interest rates will not have a direct impact on the transaction market but could help to create a more positive overall environment. Unfortunately, this year is also likely to see an increase in payment defaults, and there will be some forced asset sales.

In addition, if global capital markets are affected by, for example, the escalation of tensions arising from geopolitical risks, whether related to Israel, Ukraine, China, or Taiwan, this will inevitably have a direct impact on the transaction activity as well.

Navigating the 2024 M&A domain will demand high expertise and clever solutions.

Read further here (in Estonian): https://rb.gy/p7eune

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