WALLESS law firm welcomes two new partners

2023 01 05

Since January, two new partners – Laurynas Narvydas and Edgar-Kaj Velbri – have joined the 26 partners team of WALLESS. For both lawyers, who have been Associate Partners at WALLESS for several years, it is a recognition of their excellent performance and unwavering client trust.

Laurynas Narvydas has almost twenty years of experience in finance, fund management, investment services, and insurance. In addition to representing clients in complex banking and capital market transactions, he also provides his expertise in financial regulation and other areas of financial law, including market newcomers such as fintech companies. L. Narvydas’ experience in investment banking and various areas of law allows him to dive deep into understanding the core of his client’s business operations, seamlessly adapting to work both as part of a team or solo.

“As an associate partner, I have been with WALLESS since its inception, and I have witnessed the firm’s will to provide growth opportunities to motivated professionals first-hand. I appreciate WALLESS’s core value of basing client relationships on personal, individualized interactions. Such an approach allows us to delve into the essence of our client’s problems and expectations. It also ensures that our results speak louder than words, and our most prominent advocates are the clients who feel the value we create,” says L. Narvydas.
Dovilė Burgienė, the Managing Partner of the Lithuanian office, is pleased with the changes in Laurynas’ career. She notes that in the complex field of financial regulation, the number of lawyers on the same expertise level as Laurynas, is very scarce. WALLESS clients value his proficiency and ability to maneuver confidently through complex circumstances.

Edgar-Kaj Velbri has been a WALLESS team member since the establishment of the firm. He is a leading expert in energy law at WALLESS Estonia. E-K Velbri has extensive experience in the field of energy law, administrative and court proceedings, as well as in real estate and construction law. E-K Velbri’s strength is the ability to reach extrajudicial compromises for adverse parties from both private and public sectors.

“Since the beginning of my career, the WALLESS team have become loyal colleagues and friends. Throughout the years, WALLESS has provided me a vital platform to evolve and grow as a professional while itself becoming one of the fastest growing law firms in the Baltics, – says E-K Velbri. – For me, as an expert in the energy law field, the last couple of years have been fascinating, even electrifying, and full of many exciting challenges and accomplishments. I am incredibly pleased to have been invited to the WALLESS partnership, and I am eager to continue working with the excellent, inspiring, and innovative WALLESS team. As ever, our goal will remain to pursue excellence in our work relentlessly.”

Piret Kergandberg, the Managing Partner of the Estonia office, has known Edgar-Kaj since the beginning of his legal career. She says that the offer to become a partner was a natural step for his career and the further expansion of WALLESS.

“During the past eight years, Edgar-Kaj has accumulated experience in energy law, becoming a trusted leader in his field. Edgar-Kaj’s professionalism, dedication, and work ethic have been an example for many. He has a fantastic sense of humor and is extremely easy to work with. Edgar-Kaj shares WALLESS core values that are key to us”, says P. Kergandberg.

According to Dovilė Burgienė, although WALLESS was established just four years ago, it has already expanded to have offices in Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia. The team is growing yearly and today unites more than 130 lawyers specializing in all the main areas of business law.
“Thanks to our clients’ trust and the professionalism demonstrated daily by our lawyers, we have shot to TOP 5 law firms in the Baltics within a very short time. Our year-on-year growth is driven by the belief that we can find top-quality legal professionals in the market and develop talent within the firm simultaneously. Newcomers are motivated by the opportunity to join the international pan-Baltic WALLESS team. We are inspired by the opportunity to develop talent and constantly raise the legal service quality bar to meet global standards”, says D. Burgienė.

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