WALLESS Hosted Law Students at an Event organised for incubation of Topics for Master’s Theses

2022 02 08

What should my master’s thesis be about? Is the topic I have chosen practically relevant? Finding a good topic for a master’s thesis is not an easy task for a student, especially if you have not found your favorite field yet.

WALLESS hosted law students at an event organized for the incubation of topics for master’s theses. Piret Kergandberg, Angela Kase, Margot Arnus, and Kaisa Saarmann introduced legal problems that they have noticed in professional practice and that students could research when writing their master’s theses.

“The students of today are smart, have broad minds and they have a say on topics such as construction law, financial law, and data protection. At the same time, they are demanding in a good sense and want to use their time wisely. Yesterday’s discussion revealed their wish to write about something that has a practical value as well as an academic dimension,” said senior associate Margot Arnus. She expressed the hope that even if the topics discussed at WALLESS’ event do not end up in master’s theses, the students who participated got a good overview of current practical legal issues, and one or several of the areas discussed stirred up an interest in at least some of the students.

In an after-event feedback students named topics of criminal law, corporate law, and competition law. How about your master’s thesis and its topic?

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