WALLESS and Newsec cooperation – Autumn Property Outlook event in Riga

2024 10 18

We continued our collaboration with Newsec as their Autumn Property Outlook event took place in Riga.
WALLESS Managing Partner, Kristine Gaigule-Saveja, moderated the panel discussion, Transforming Real Estate for the Digital Age and Beyond.

The panel featured insightful conversations with Jūratė Gaspariūnienė, Christoffer Börjesson, Peteris Strautins, Martynas Babilas MRICS, and Ilmars Vitols.

A few key takeaways from the conference include:
· If you haven’t yet embraced digitalization, now is the time—it’s the last train to catch as the digital age is already here.
· Despite an uncertain economic outlook, there are several positive signals that suggest improvements in the real estate market.
· ESG, sustainability, and related topics continue to be critical factors for consideration when developing new projects.

We were delighted to join Newsec as they also celebrated the opening of their newly completed Riga office. Congratulations!

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