The workforce shortage in Lithuania is forcing industrial companies to look for employees abroad

2023 02 14
The workforce shortage in Lithuania is forcing industrial companies to look for employees abroad. The laws to facilitate the recruitment of foreign workers came into force in 2022 and this year. While there is still room for improvement, local businesses see this opportunity to hire skilled and motivated third-country specialists as a light at the end of the staff shortage tunnel.
WALLESS associate Giedrė Cesiulytė-Meginė, Milda Jankauskienė, spokesperson for the Lithuanian Employment Service, and Mantas Matūzas, CEO at shipbuilding and civil construction company “CB Baltic” discuss the situation in an article published by DELFI.
• Which industry sectors face the most significant staff shortages?
• Why are companies taking advantage of the possibility of hiring foreigners?
• What are the recent key legislative changes in foreign workers’ hiring practices?
• How do these changes impact the entire business ecosystem in Lithuania?
Read more here:
#employmentlaw #workforce #foreigners

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