The Rising Price of Electricity Has Led to a Lively Discussion in Estonia About the Reasons for the Price Increase and Possible Solutions

2021 12 09

Edgar-Kaj Velbri, Head of Energy Law at WALLESS Estonia, described in an article to the Estonian daily Eesti Päevaleht the measures by which the state could provide relief for the rising electricity prices and explained to the business daily Ärileht the differing views of EU countries in responding to the energy crisis.

Here are some key takeaways:

  • The development of new power stations has been stuck in bureaucracy for many years. The private sector is highly interested in building new production capacity. The state could support these developments by accelerating the paperwork and amending the law so that energy projects would be given a procedural priority over other administrative projects.
  • In addition to subsidies, consumers should be encouraged to reduce their electricity consumption. For example, by creating a more favorable tax environment for energy-efficient appliances.
  • The Estonian electricity system needs major investments in the coming years. Along with the rising prices of CO2 allowances, the state’s revenue from the sale of allowances has increased, reaching approximately 200 million euros this year. Proceeds from the sale of CO2 allowances should be used to a greater extent to invest in the electricity market.

Read more:

the article in Eesti Päevaleht:,

the article in Ärileht:,

the comment given to Eesti Päevaleht:

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