Taxes on investments: when to set up a company for investments

2023 03 22

Attention, all investors! Are you wondering whether it’s more prudent to invest personally or through an investment company? A recent article in Verslo žinios shares advice from prominent experts, including WALLESS partner dr. Mindaugas Lukas. He emphasizes the decisions should not be taken lightly and must be based on the size as well as the composition of your portfolio.

“With a company, taxes are paid in two stages and can be deferred, especially when investing in collective investment schemes. The effective tax rate can also be lower, sometimes as low as 15%, compared to 20% for personal investments. So, before deciding, consider the benefits of investing through a company and what legal form is most appropriate for your specific activity”, – advises M. Lukas, who also recently shared his expertise at “Investor Lukas Conference” (Investuotojo Luko konferencija), organized by Verslo žinios.

However, every investor should keep in mind that having a company also brings an additional cost and administrative hassle.

Read more in the Verslo žinios article “Taxes on investments: when to set up a company for investments”:

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