Panel Discussion: Criminal Procedure and Careers in Criminal Justice

2023 02 02

An intensified, suspenseful, and often slightly glamourized version of criminal justice professionals’ life has kept people glued to their screens for some time now. Although this life certainly offers great moments, TV series and movies are usually a far cry from the reality of the day-to-day experience of criminal justice experts. What is the true nature of criminal procedures? What roles do attorneys, prosecutors, and judges play? What are the most rewarding and challenging aspects of this work?

The European Law Students’ Association (ELSA) in Estonia recently organized a panel discussion where judges, prosecutors, and sworn attorneys let the student behind the scenes of their profession.

“Although Estonia has had an adversarial criminal procedure since 2004, there is always room for discussions and improvements. Introducing the work of a criminal defence advocate to law students is a valuable part of their studies and plays a crucial part in securing the succession of the next generation of lawyers”, – says Tanel Kask, senior associate at WALLESS, who represented the firm in the event.

#criminaljustice #ELSApanel #lawstudents

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