Marius Dobilas and Renata Jatužytė-Mulevičienė become partner experts at WALLESS

2024 01 11

Legal experts Marius Dobilas and Renata Jatužytė-Mulevičienė have been appointed as partner experts at the Baltic law firm WALLESS. 

Marius Dobilas brings over thirteen years of specialised experience in public procurement and public-private partnerships (PPP). Throughout his career advising and representing clients, Marius has contributed to numerous successful PPP initiatives and complex public procurement projects in Lithuania. “I am delighted to start this new stage of my professional journey. My dedication to public procurement and public-private partnerships over the past thirteen years has been fuelled by a pursuit to create a higher quality environment for all and the imperative of excellence and collaboration. WALLESS has been a testament to teamwork strength over the last five years and is committed to achieving the highest results,” says Marius Dobilas. 

Renata Jatužytė-Mulevičienė began her legal career over fifteen years ago and has been with WALLESS for nearly four years. Her experience helps clients navigate legal regulations and represents them in complex disputes. Renata’s exceptional skills in environmental law further enhance the firm’s specialisation in addressing diverse client needs. “I have always been strongly supported at WALLESS, and the opportunities provided here have helped me achieve what I can proudly celebrate today. The firm’s commitment to exceeding client expectations is what I find most inspiring. I am delighted to be a part of it and grow together,” says Renata Jatužytė-Mulevičienė. 

“I’m proud of Marius, Renata, and our team, full of ambitious talent. It’s even more rewarding when they progress in their career path within the firm! Both new partner experts are not only masters in their specialisations but also have a unique ability to solve complex client problems for which legal knowledge alone is often insufficient. Committed and passionate legal professionals are the driving force behind WALLESS, and our clients’ trust has enabled us to become one of the leading law firm in the Baltic countries,” says Dovilė Burgienė, managing partner of WALLESS, Lithuania.” 

Meet Marius Dobilas:  

Meet Renata Jatužytė-Mulevičienė:  

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