Insights from 9th International Bar Association World Women Lawyers’ Conference in Copenhagen

2022 09 14

▪️ Do not let anyone define you
▪️ When offered a job, a promotion, or an opportunity – always say YES (even if you think the offer came only because you are a woman)
▪️ Grasp opportunities. Forget the fear to lose
▪️ When being in the place of your dreams (or, even better – where you were even too shy to dream of being) – know you have deserved it
▪️ Don’t seek to be a CEO at home, if you are or want to be one at work

Some of these thoughts might sound like the lyrics from an upcoming single by Beyonce.

Because she’s the one to say what millions of women all around the world have to say or need to hear.

But this time, these are the ideas our partner dr. Simona Drukteinienė brought back from the 9th IBA’s (International Bar Association) World Women Lawyers’ Conference in Copenhagen.

It’s always very hard to retell the inspiration, the knowledge, and the empowerment of being in the amazing company of more than 200 female leaders, so Simona advises – check, follow, or go to events where these wonderful people are sharing: Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Anita Krohn Traaseth, and other participants of this year’s conference (

#lawyer #InternationalBarAssociation #WomenLeadership

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