Data accuracy and updating – how many of us take care of it?

2022 10 27

Are you sure your company knows what data accuracy obligations it has? Do you periodically update your customers’ details, such as addresses and representatives?

If the following questions pop to your mind, WALLESS GDPR experts remind you that each and everyone of us should always ensure the accuracy of the data below and update it accordingly, as failure to do so may result in the following consequences:

  • If you do not update your CEO contact details, you may miss out on important information,
  • If you do not update your home/office address, you risk not receiving important correspondence,
  • If you do not update your bank account number, you risk not receiving incoming payments,
  • Failure to update the license plate – due to the inaccuracy of this data in the parking application, a fine may be imposed for parking,
  • If you don’t update your phone number, you may even miss a doctor’s appointment.

In our latest case, the WALLESS team helped the client win a case against the State Data Protection Inspectorate – although statistically, this happens rarely. This case concerned the annulment of a fine imposed for an alleged breach of the accuracy principle under the GDPR.

Now is the perfect time to check that all your data is up to date.

#dataprivacy #gdpr #law

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