Baltic Private M&A Deal Points Study

2023 04 20

WALLESS in Latvia together with Latvian Private Equity and Venture Capital Association (LVCA) and colleagues from Sorainen, Cobalt, Ellex, TGS Baltic, Eversheds Sutherland, and Triniti recently presented “Baltic Private M&A Deal Points Study”.

In this comprehensive study, Baltic Private M&A deals from over the last two years were presented along with valuable discussions and insights into deal-related experiences.

Here are some key takeaways from this meeting:
·  The most active industries for Private M&A transactions were technology, healthcare, energy, and manufacturing, which is consistent with global trends.
·  Cross-border deals accounted for a significant portion of the transactions studied, with foreign investors continuing to see opportunities in the Baltic region.
·  Individuals and family offices played a more active role as M&A buyers compared to previous periods.
·  Most transactions are done using cash, but recently there has been an increase in the number of transactions that involve a combination of cash and shares.
·  Deferred payment of the purchase price is used as a guarantee of the seller’s performance, and in more than half of the transactions, it exceeds 12 months.

WALLESS partners Zane Eglite-Fogele, Kristine Gaigule-Saveja and Sintija Radionova participated in the development process of the study.

Thanks to LVCA and colleagues for meaningful discussions and exchange of experience.

The study is available here:

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